姓名 | 李婉如 | |
系級 | 英語103 | |
學號 | 499211076 | |
生日 | 81.2.3 | |
甄選職務 | □社長 □副社長 □學術 □公關 □活動 □文書 □美宣 □總務 | |
中、英個人自介 (各500字) | 我的名字叫李婉如,英文名字Megan,畢業於台中女中,目前就讀師大英語系一年級。 興趣多樣,不排斥接觸新知與嘗試新事物。平時,熱愛運動,喜歡下棋、閱讀書籍雜誌,偶爾也會聽些輕音樂抒壓。 對於語文方面,則有著極大的興趣。我從高中便開始學習法文和日文,而在學習的同時,我認識了許多有趣的外國文化,也接觸了各式各樣的價值觀,這讓我開始對國際事務產生興趣,也是我大學選擇參加模聯的原因之一。 參加模聯的這段日子以來,我學習到了很多。除了更加了解聯合國及其周邊的會議組織,並增強自己的英文能力外,我也學會從多方面去探究一個議題的核心問題,以及如何從官方資料和研究報告中去找出一個國家真正的立場。而在參加活動的同時,我認識了許多很有想法能力的人,和這些人一起討論議題事件往往帶給我許多啟發,這讓我想要繼續待在模聯。 我曾經在高中時期擔任過羽球社的總務股長,期間,和其他幹部合作辦過比賽、迎新、送舊、聯合社課等活動。在班上,則擔任過班長、衛生股長、服務股長、總務股長等,及多科小老師。雖然累,也經常遇到挫折,但事後發現其實付出越多,學習到的也會越多。我希望我的大學生活也能如同過去般充實,同時,我也想要承擔一些責任,將我這段期間從模聯、從學姊身上得到的感動延續給下屆社員。 至於勾選了文書股長與與總務股長,是因為覺得自己個性蠻謹慎,也蠻負責任的,比較適合這些職務。 My name is Megan. I graduated from Taichung Girl’s High School. Now, I study in English Department in NTNU. In my leisure time, I enjoy exercising, playing chess, reading novels and listening to the music. Doing these things relieve lots of my pressure, lets me learn abundant of outside class knowledge, and help me learn how to interact with people. Also, I am willing to try new things as long as I believe it’s worth trying. In addition, I have a particular interest in language. I’ve started to study French and Japanese when I was in in high school. While learning the languages, I got the chance to know foreign cultures and values. Those cultures and values were quite interesting to me; therefore, I wished to know more. That’s the moment when I started to develop interests in international affairs. Wanting to know more international affairs and improving my English skills are reasons why I choose to join Mun. After staying here for more than a semester, I realize I’ve learned a lot of things. I know more about United Nation and its subordinate committees and improve my English skills a lot. But I believe the greatest difference is the way I think. Now, I know I should view things from different perspectives, I learn how to think more critically, and I know better about how to find the real position of a country through official figures and research reports. When participating in all kinds of activities such as Pan Asia, forum, and debate, I know a lot of intelligent people. Having a chance to discuss things and exchange thoughts has given me much inspiration. Therefore, I wish I could still stay in Mun. When I was in high school, I participate in chess club and badminton club, and I was the treasurer of the badminton club. During those days, my partners and I had held several activities, including holding a competition. In class, I have served the post of class leader, class treasurer(總務), hygiene officer(衛生), service officer(服務) and several teaching assistants(小老師). Though it was quite exhausting to take on the duties, and quite frustrating to encounter challenges or setback from time to time, in the aftermath, I realized I learned a lot; the more I pay, the more I get. For example, I learned how to communicate with the administrators, how to serve as the bridge between classmates and teachers, and how to deal with emergency. Therefore, hoping that my college life could be as substantial and meaningful as my high school, I would like to take on some duties while still staying in this club. In addition, I want to pass down the inspiration I’ve got in the past few months from this club, and the school sisters, to more people. I apply for the position document officer (文書) and treasure of the club of. The reason is because I believe my careful and responsible personalities would be suitable for the position. | |
個人活動經歷 | 1. 就讀師大英語系103級 2. 畢業於台中女中,在班上擔任過班長、衛生股長、服務股長…等幹部 3. 高中時參加圍棋社及羽球社,高二時擔任羽球社的總務股長 4. 大學當過英語歌唱大賽工人、英語之夜工人,返鄉服務隊課程股股員。 | |
相關政見 | (文書) 1. 每節社課的資料能完整蒐集整理並po上網 2. 社課中如有討論或辯論,能記錄討論及辯論內容與結果,並po上網 (總務) 1. 收支情況能詳細記錄 2. 確實向社員收取社費或其他相關費用(如參加活動、請講師等) | |
社團未來期許 | 1. 課程的規劃或討論議題的選定能夠更完整、更深入淺出 3. 在討論問題時,能夠先確定每個人都瞭解這次的議題,並能妥善控制每個人的發言時間與機會。 4. 網誌與臉書上的資料能日漸完備,成為自學與複習的管道 5. 能有多一些機會請講師來教授一些特定課程、請到當地人分享與分析中東、南美等較不熟悉的國家的形勢、文化(forum)。 6. 能夠多參加校外模擬聯合國會議的活動、能有機會與他校的模聯社交流。 7. 希望社員能更積極參與,都能成社團學到東西。如果可以的話,可以依照社員感興趣的會議分組,讓各小組成員能利用社課外其他時間討論或交換意見。 | |
社團尚須 改進部分 | 1. 時間的控制:這1個多學期下來,社課及Workshop幾乎沒有準時開始過,大部分是因為社員遲到。這部分我覺得可以多加要求,或是準時開始社課,不要讓社員覺得「反正社課會等我,遲到沒什麼」或「準時到又不會準時開始,晚點到好了」。 2. 社課的時間與地點:社課當天的行程大部分是到社課教室才會知道,如果可以先po再往上讓社員心裡有準備會更好。而社課的地點,特別是workshop的,因為不固定,所以希望可以早點確定並po在網上。 3. 社課資料:網誌上有許多社課資料,然而,並不完整。希望之後放在網上的資料能更完整,能方便缺課或想複習社員。 4. 事前準備:很多社課需要事前準備,而社網上會po一些資料,只是,很多時候看完會不知道要怎麼找資料才有效率。因此,如果可以提供資料查找或思考的方向應該會更好。 5. 回饋:回饋時,大部分是以鼓勵為主,這讓我們比較不會有太大壓力或喪失信心。然而,如果可以私下直接告知需改進的缺點,及建議如何改進的話會很有幫助。 |