姓名 | 林芳竹 | |
系級 | 工教103 | |
學號 | 499700041 | |
生日 | 10/10 | |
甄選職務 | 美宣、總務 | |
中、英個人自介 (各500字) | 出生於台中,在台北住久了,以前住家附近的路現在都不太認得,回去過年都常常迷路。 個性很隨和,喜歡嘗試新的事物,有時候很內向,沉默的時候很沉默,容易緊張,不太常說話和發表自己的意見,主因是沒主見和不知道要說什麼,絕對不是心情不好。 課餘休閒活動大多是運動、閱讀和寫作,偶爾會彈彈鋼琴、投稿聯合報,最近的兩篇文章刊於3/14和4/13的家庭副刊,專長是鋼琴、跆拳道、油畫(高中時獲台北市東區西畫組佳作)。 興趣很廣泛,國小時是合唱團團員,國中時擔任班聯會主席,同時也是跆拳道校隊一員,教練認為我因為個性太善良又很怕痛,所以參加比賽都沒贏過幾次,高中時發現自己很喜歡數學,考進了數學資優班,可是數學不喜歡我,所以成績總是敬陪末座。大學除了參加模聯社之外,還有室內設計研究社,社課時學了一些電腦軟體,目前都沒有實際應用過。 相較於自己以前的社團經驗,都是唱唱歌、打打拳之類的活動,模擬聯合國是我參加過最學術的社團,準備工作需要透過大量的閱讀和豐富的資料蒐集,過程中,除了可以增進自己的語言能力,同時也改變我們看世界的角度、廣度和深度。 (I am really bad at English writing, sorry) I was born in Taiching, but I have lived in I am easy going person , and I like to try something new , sometimes I am an introvert, easily get nervous in public and I rarely describe my opinion ,I am really quiet when I have nothing and don’t know what to say. In my free time, I like to do exercise , reading and writing, sometimes playing piano and submitting my articles to newspaper , they have been post on 3/14 and 4/13 聯合報副刊,I am good at playing piano and Oil painting (I have earned 台北市東區西畫組佳作 when I was in senior high school) I was in chorus in elementary school , in junior high school I play in Taekwondo school team and I was chair of student council, my coach told me that I was too kindhearted person and I was afraid of being hit , so I rarely win in the competition. In senior high school I found that I love mathematic , so I study in math honor class ,but math seems doesn’t like me , so I was always the last one on the list .After I enter NTNU I join MUN club and also interior design club , I learn how to use some software to make a poster but I haven’t have chance to apply them. Compare to my club experience I had before, MUN is the most academic one , we have to do plenty of research and reading related to the topic before the class, and by doing this we not only improve our English ability but also revise the angle we view this world. | |
個人活動經歷 | 室內設計研究社 2011寒期營 活動股股員(小隊輔兼節目主持人) | |
相關政見 | 會盡量運用室研社課學過的軟體,製作簡單明瞭美觀大方的活動宣傳海報: 每堂社課前,大量把海報貼在學生多會經過的地方。 若有任何校內的模聯活動,也盡量製作海報宣傳。 | |
社團未來期許 | 招募更多新社員,讓更多學生知道這樣的活動,維持社課融洽的氣氛。 | |
社團尚須 | 嗯……沒有。 但是,有一個小小的要求,中、英個人自介下次可以不要500字嗎0.0? 英文500字好難寫(應該是個人程度問題……唉) |