Resolved: That compulsory education should be extended to 12 years in Taiwan.
Group I. :
Aff: Erin/ 維芸/ Jacklyn/ 銘峰/
Neg: 雍哲/ 琦鋆/ Spe/ 婉如
Group II.:
Aff: 瑞容/ 淑汝/ 學謙/ 芳竹/Sean (newly added, 2/5)
Neg: 心慈/ Cindy/ Rita/ 庭瑋
(The groupings are to be applied to other sections.)
請就正或反方立場作資料蒐集與研究, 並與組員聯繫討論.
II) Mini MUN
Study Guide SOCHUM
Country Distribution
陳婷怡 South Africa
張瑞容 Thailand
Cindy Egypt
紅淑汝 Canada
Jacklyn Papua New Guinea
黎學謙 Bolivia
Ritalin Australia
林芳竹 Guatemala
林雍哲 Germany
黎心慈 United Kingdom
吳琦鋆 China
許維芸 Japan
陳羽萱 United States
孔令新 Saudi Arabia
許庭瑋 Swaziland
李婉如 Poland